Monday, January 21, 2008

Animal Foundation Funding Stats

I read it. Yes, thank you for all the e-mails which started at zero-dark-thirty.

Let's dissect what seems to be a great PR job for the Animal Foundation in the Trib, yet doesn't seem to add up.

(see article side bar)

If you add the Contributions = $1,145,995
plus, Fur Ball proceeds = 161,863
TOTAL =$1,307,858

Foundation says in the article that it has: $1,308,907
Minus TOTAL from above 1,307,858
MISSING =$ 1,049

Investments total = $97,352
Expenses total = 96,349
PROFIT = $ 1,003

Let's call the missing and the profit money shown above as an equal amount or a "wash", nothing lost, nothing gained.

Sheltering Skies
(pg 4) states Foundation has contributions in the amount of: $1, 426, 207
Subtract today's TOTAL (above from Trib) - 1, 308,858
Please account for the difference of = $ 117,349

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